Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year, New Life!

My, my, my. How things have changed in only a few short months!

Gone are the woes of living in San Diego and being so far from so many I love.

In fact, gone are most of my woes in general!

"Man, this cloudy day is getting me down," a friend says. 
I smile warmly at them. "Actually I find it cozy; it's a winter comfort."

"The roads are horrible!" a family member comments.
"Isn't it nice to have an excuse to be curled up indoors and get some projects done around the home?" I respond.

"I hate the holiday requirements to see all these extended family members!" my brother grumbles.
"They're our family and they love us. One day of 365 days isn't really asking a lot to show we love them, too, is it?" I respond.
He glares at me and says "You haven't seen how bad it's been in the last few years!"
I nod. "True, but all these experiences are how you make them to be."

My closest of San Diego friends would tell me "Shut Up, Pollyanna!". I have become an extremist of happy optimism since returning, to such an extent even my husband is making comments on how nothing can seem to really get me down. 

Thus my new blog title.

I have had an interesting adventure in San Diego for four years. I have taken away some good memories, and left behind some people I will greatly miss. 

I am ready for what my return to IL has to offer me. I am ready for this new start on familiar ground. 

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