Sunday, January 10, 2016

Focus Word of 2016

Last year my friend chose a word for her year. This word was to help define goals she wanted to achieve within the year, be they physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. I listened to her discuss it frequently and decided I liked the idea so much that I'm going to take on the project for 2016, too. 

My Focus Word for 2016 is going to be Silence. 

...Silence to let others be heard.
...Silence (literally and mentally) to enjoy the moment I'm in and see if I can discover something new.
...Silence to prevent my sometimes strong opinions from offending others.
...Silence to hold back things that don't need to be shared with the world.

My last two goals are specifically targeted toward my job interview skills, of which I believe I did OK on but had room for improvement.

I'm a talkative person. Some people enjoy this about me, but I get so wrapped up in stories I wish to share that time runs out to allow the other person to share stories, too. I spend the rest of the evening, sometimes into weeks, with remorse and wishing I had learned to close my mouth and open my ears to all the great stories of their life, too. 

Like every great skill, this requires practice. What better way then to make it a year's goal. 

I am certain I will fail spectacularly at achieving this goal. I have tried it many times before. But the only way I really fail is by giving up on improvement. I know who I want to be, and there's no reason I cannot keep trying to be that person, even if it's not normally who I am.

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