Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rant About My Job

I am the receptionist, mail attendant, and "room booker" at a law school. We’re a small school, which is nice because you get more compassion than your large companies. I like my job most days. It doesn’t fulfill me; it’s an entry level position of mediocre importance. But it could be worse. I have a strong work ethic and endure its low level status, reminding myself every level of employment plays an important function and as such should take pride pride for the work accomplished, however small the work may be. I focus on the positive and try to let the negative, like no raises or hope for promotion. This is especially easy for me with the attitude ‘I am temporary’. Wonderfully that day is getting closer than ever, because there are days like today where I simply cannot stand my job.

#1- Colleagues tell me about maintenance things that need to be fixed.

Yes, I am in the facilities, or maintenance, department. No, I am not facilities or maintenance. There is a very simple protocol to follow- fill out the form! Certain individuals have SUCH an aversion to this form for reason I cannot fathom. It is not complex or confusing to use, at least not in any way I can imagine. Yes, it is easier to tell me than take the extra steps of filling out that form and possibly risking a hand cramp from typing up the simple instructions. Guess what I have to do if you do not do it? Fill out the form! I’m sure as hell not doing your work for you. You get paid more than me (this is a safe assumption for every other person, save perhaps the day porter who sweeps up leaves, and even that one is questionable). You are an adult. You hate when students try to make you do things for you, so why are you suddenly turning those tables on me? Knock it off, put on your big boy pants, and Fill.Out.The.Form.

#2- Folks asking for legal assistance.

Yes, I work at a law school. No, I’m not legally trained. Please stop telling me your sob stories. They are very serious and very sad. There’s nothing I can do. Seriously; nothing I can do.

What is the height of frustrating is we do have programs for legal assistance, but they do not have a phone number so they give out the main reception school’s number. The public sees the ‘legal assistance’ and my number and assume they are calling lawyers! I do not fully blame the public for this, though some of them could put two and two together faster by listening to my intro and realizing I’m not asking to help you, I’m asking where I can direct you. I mostly blame the people in charge of this program for the misleading information, and my superiors who refuse to do anything to correct this.

And I do rejoice in the few folks that listen and state "I'm looking for legal assistance; what options does your school have" instead of just going into their sob story. Again, cannot help you, so I appreciate you not wasting both of our time by realizing that and letting me tell you what you need to know so we can both get on with things.

 #3- (similar to #1) When people ask me what’s going on with XYZ maintenance issue.

Know when my boss sent out that email to everyone saying XYZ was broken/ down/ whatever and that she would follow-up with everyone when it’s fixed? That’s the most I know, too. Why would I know more? Is she going to drop everything, “oop, better call Megan & give her an update for the school!” even though I never associate myself with maintenance issues.

What really bugs me about this one is repeat offenders. Someone new who knows I’m in the facilities department but doesn’t really know my exact involvement? Easily forgiven! But the people who ask me over and over again; COMMON! Why would I suddenly have an answer for you? Stop wasting both of our time and just be patient, for crying out loud.

#4- People who ask me to process personal mail for them, but then don’t have the money to pay for it.

Would you walk into your post office and say “I need a book of stamps, and I’ll come back with a check next week for that”? Would you go into your bosses office and say “Mail these out for me; you know I’m good for it”? No, you wouldn’t! But because I’m a lowly pion, it’s suddenly acceptable. Even though we’ve gone over and over on this- We do not accept IOU’s! The US post office takes that money directly out of our account right away, so we need to replenish it right away. Do you know how many people I run postage for? And if everyone paid me “when they wanted”, do you know what kind of system I would need to keep track of that? Not one I can actually do, so suck it up and bring money or your item won’t get sent out, OK pumpkin?

#5- (though there’s not thing 1 to be done about it) Hang Up Calls

Whether it’s through the fault of our phone tree system not fully disconnecting a call, to which it gets routed for some strange reason to Operator, or though people who plum have the wrong number, I get a lot of these calls each day. And it drives me bonkers! I have to say a big long introductory spiel every time I answer the phone, and it’s exhausting to say it over and over again to dead air. Or, worse still, I’m sitting at my desk all day with no rings. I go across the room to process mail and the moment I’m ready to run things through the phone rings, only to be dead air. Yes, I enjoy pacing back & forth in my office and having to repeat myself and my action over and over again.


See, it’s not that bad of a job if I can only come up with 5 things that annoy me.

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