Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Pick of the Week

It started with an innocent search on why James Spader tilts his head in shows. I’ve always wondered if he has a tic, neck pain, if someone instructed him to do so, or if maybe – due to his genius nature- he does it to see the world in a different way we can never experience. Answer to first question: it’s just a Spader thing.

If you have never heard of James Spader, Netflix Boston Legal. I have never been the same. I adore this man. Worship him. He is genius perfection. I would not get star struck by many people, but for Mr. Spader... oh hell, for Spader I would probably do things I would feel very guilty about (because he's married, I'm married) and likely get arrested for. I hope to never meet him, but not for the obvious I don't want to be arrested part; he is such an Idol in my mind and I would hate to have reality alter my perception. My worship of him makes me happy.

What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Pick of the Week: In my searching of this head-tilt curiosity, I found page about him as 'Boyfriend of the Week'. I love the concept and have stolen it for my own, with a twist. I don't want to be limited to boyfriends. For starters, I could never Date an Idol. Common, dating is where the imperfections are discovered and the dreams risk crashing down. And I don't wish to limit myself to men. There are some pretty genius women, organizations, and just things out there. 

I laugh at myself over this being a weekly thing, as my memory likely won't stay put for such consistency, but I strive to be Spader-Perfect all the same!

No, my pick this week is not James Spader. I think Pick of the Week should focus on things that hold reference to what's going on in my life right now, not 5 months ago when I last watched The Blacklist or earlier still when I last saw Boston Legal. Love the Spader, but he's not relevant.

Mr. Alton Brown


A collection of these shows have recently arrived to Netflix and I've picked up watching one or two an evening right now. This is one of the few shows that make me miss cable & the Food Network (or maybe it was the cooking channel? It's been so long without cable I've forgotten!). Super happy it's on Netflix now, even in the reduced episode form.

Good Eats is not your average cooking show, and Mr. Alton Brown is not your average chef. I will slap anyone silly who attempts to compare these things.

Ya know those words you cannot pronounce on ingredient boxes? Alton Brown tells you what they mean in basic terms, and why you shouldn't use them. Then he gives you a fantastic recipe to make in substitute of that processed disgusting stuff. Alton tells you good ways of making things that aren't just good for you, they are amazing delicious sounding too. I hate meatballs, but after watching his version of meatballs last night I might be changing my mind. And Goodness, his waffles? Oh, I'm dying to run out to Bed Bath and Beyond, buy the specific waffle iron he instructed, and go make some! 

Really a terrific show. It's a shame it's not on anymore, but he's got enough seasons out there that we can make do with what was created. Netflix for offering a few episodes, and  Food Network for having a great resource on your website of the show & recipes! 

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