Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Under the 90 Day Marker!

Oh it's a good, good, good feeling!

To be able to go Home!

Well, sort of. I mean, it'll be a new area, and re-adjusting one's self to winter again, and a new job, and naturally a lot of things have changed for my friends and family. Adjustments will still be expected.

I'm trying not to set my expectations up to high. 

Yeah, I'm doing a pretty poor job of it.

I'm actually flipping between that and...

Dear God, I'm getting impatient!

The last two days, I walk through my door after work and tell myself with a sigh, "One more day down."

It's really beyond impatience. I'm checked out. I'm physically in CA, but my head is constantly back in IL or on the drive to IL. It's with my family, seeing my nephew's and niece smile at me, going for bike rides with friends. It's enjoying some greasy fast food in my new apartment with my husband. It's working at a job that actually mentally stimulates me.

But the more I think about that, the longer this wait is going to feel. So- Deep Breath- I have to pull myself back into the present reality: I am indeed in CA again, where my only friends are colleagues- many of whom I have grown close to but still it isn't quite the same- and where the biggest challenge of my day is seeing if I can make it to and/ or from work without wanting to blow my lid at one of the drivers that cuts me off.

I'm not looking forward to snow. Or being stuck behind a tractor. Or being closer- so therefor more involved- with my mom's drama. Or saying goodbye to those above referenced colleagues. Or trading in an AMAZING set of bosses here for ones that don't consider your well-being and generally try to screw you any way they can (thus has been my IL job experience). 

Maybe if I focus on those negatives- not too hard, or I'll start to dread this move- I can make it through the next 80-some days without climbing the walls.

1 comment:

  1. So, so happy for you. So, so sad for me. You are so much better than this place and the work you are doing here. The positives far out way the negatives. The snow, the tractors, Pah! You will be fine!
