Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Review on Dr. Who

I've joined the geeky masses. I'm watching the rebooted Dr. Who from BBC on Netflix. A geeky (and I say that with pride) friend recommended to me, but at first I was a little hesitant. My opinion beforehand: it's about a time traveler who flies around in a blue police box; must be an Brittish humor kind of thing. It's mentioned a lot on Big Bang Theory, so again reference geek, but am I geek enough to like this?

The answer: 100% yes, but...

In the beginning...: As the reboot starts out we're introduced to Time Lord #9.  It took me a few episodes to get him and like him, but I finally joined the bandwagon of what's so special about the show and The Doctor. He's a goofy, lovable, wanna be hero (and usually succeeds) who likes a little adventure and trouble.

But his companion Rose? As the episodes continue on she really started to get on my nerves. She was a little too much about getting the doctor to love her and began focusing less on the magic that is time and space travel.

 The first episode was... well, awful. I mean, mannequins coming to life and attacking London... really??- that I nearly didn't continue. But I have little else to watch of interest, so I gave it a few more episodes, and am glad I did. Each episode needs to be taken with tongue in cheek; it's a goofy humor, sci-fi interest. I dig it, and my husband even sat in to watch a few episodes with me. 

Of course it's just my luck that I start to really enjoy Doctor 9 when - POOF- something happens to cause regeneration and the introduction of Doctor 10 for season two. I felt a little outrage at it. I was just developing a good appreciation for this doctor, a love for his particular quarky, and they changed it on me! COMMON!

But the show's extended plots were decent enough to keep me curious. Ok, I'll give this next doctor a try. 

Enter David Tennant.

He really is!

Throughout the next 3 seasons, there were many times that I thought about giving up on the show. The story lines are really weak at times, a bit too goofy even for me, but David Tennant brought The Doctor to life and always sucked me back into the next.

Now, his Companions...

As mentioned above: Rose, me-no-likie.

Next is Martha Jones. I ADORED her. When he returned her to "her time" I almost gave up on the show again. She's a great character; how could the Doctor not choose to travel indefinitely with her?! Independent, smart, she knew her stuff; she was truly great. 

I never get what I want. Pout.

Then came Donna Noble, and her 'I don't take crap from nobody' ways. Nope, pass. I like a girl with attitude, but she was just an idiot. I really liked the brother-sister relationship they built with her, but she was so extreme in her obnoxious behavior at times that it was really hard for me to keep going with the series.

The Doctor Needs companions, though. The few episodes where he flew solo created a little less opportunity for banter with character that will make up for a weak story line. There is a certain something his companions allow him to bring out. Maybe it's just to highlight his genius. Either way, they are a must.

End of season 4 said Goodbye to Doctor #10 & another regeneration. I joined probably hundreds of thousands who were equally saddened by this, but the way the show did it was ALL WRONG! He is a different person, true, but he is still The Doctor when he regenerates (becomes a new actor). The last half hour of the last episode was him moping around saying goodbye to all the friends Doctor 10 made. Uh, hello! He was a different doctor when he made half of these friends, for crying out loud! There is no point in him saying goodbye- he is still essentially the same doctor! Common! But I guess this is the show's way of saying "we're not bringing these folks back- new doctor = new supporting cast".

With my major annoyance with the final episode featuring David Tennant, one would think I would rejoice and embrace Doctor #11, Matt Smith. He is the doctor I was most familiar with visually- this was the Doctor I visually saw the most in promo's prior to watching it. Being more familiar, I should like him, right?

Nope, it's just not happening. I think I've hit season 6, but the love affair I had with this show when it was David Tennant is gone. They had awful plots, but David Tennant is just... Well, see above. Matt Smith just doesn't have the same charisma that Mr. Tennant has. I'm sorry, Mr. Smith. It's not you, it's ... no, it's you. The plots have greatly improved, but I just don't feel like he's really embraced the Doctor as a character. Call me crazy, sine I believe he's a favorite in the geek world. When it was David Tennant, I would binge watch. Now I might watch 1, maybe 2, episodes in a weekend. 

The love affair has faded as I continue to watch, but I'm still a Who fan. I recommend it to anyone who likes silly and sci-fi, but with a caution to be prepared to take a lot is "oh geez, that's just beyond goofy." I mean, when your key bad guys consist of metal suited robot men and a dome shape creature with an egg beater and a plunger as a weapon, how can it be taken even remotely serious? 

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