Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Anticipation is Bugging Me

I'm fighting a growing impatience to start my life back home in IL once more. 

Today I took a deep breath and found it unsatisfactory. It held too much of the city smell- slight pollution and not quite fresh. I want to inhale my country air!

I am fighting an urge to check out jobs. Whatever I find will not be available once we actually move. I shouldn't waste time looking at something irreverent to my current situation.

I can close my eyes and picture our previous departures from San Diego as we drove home for vacation, then imagine the scene I'm picturing is my final trip home, for good. 

There are things that I will miss; some particular individuals, the consistency of weather (even if it is quite boring), and the luxuries our current home offers that likely our next home won't- like a NEX a block away. 

Mostly though I'm just antsie to be close to my brother, sis-in-law, their kids, my dad, and ... I guess... my mother. I miss my family something awful.

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