Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Right Here, Right Now- Rule #4

This is a bit of a variation of Rule #1, and is my current focal point to avoid me going all over the place. I want to plan for a life back with my family and friends in small-town IL again. I want to start planning for holidays, apartment reviews, job hunting. I want to start packing and organizing and getting geared up for my life to begin.

Just one tiny problem- we still do not have a firm date. There is no specific written orders guaranteeing we are heading to IL at a specific month. God forbid- you never know- someone could change their mind about my husband’s training position and revert us back to San Diego.

Getting ahead of myself is going to be a waste of my time, something that’s ever a hot commodity. I will waste hours of time and mental efforts organizing things that may be of little or no relevance when the official paperwork is in hand. Certainly there is no harm in being ‘prepared’, but there is such a thing as being over prepared and that’s the line I’m beginning to cross. We will have plenty of time to prepare once those orders are in hand. Until then, I need to focus on the things around me in this immediate moment that can use improvement or focus.

I can work on a skills list for my resume, improve my resume, build additional skills to improve my job station such as learning Spanish. I can use my free time by finally pursuing my loves like writing and reading. I can reacquaint myself with my friends and family via phone & Skype, start giving them the over-due attention they deserve. With all that I could be doing, why am I wasting my time on things that don’t really matter right now? I’m going to over-kill myself in work instead of enjoying myself.

So I take a deep breath and examine the situation. Is this something that’s going to impact me today? Next week? In the next month? That’s all I really Need to focus on, everything else can wait. 

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