Monday, March 30, 2015

Latest Idea

Anyone whose a knitter/ crocheter knows the moment friends and family find out you're halfway decent, one of the first things heard is "Make me..." As the crafty person we are, we certainly want to, but all to quickly can develop craft burn-out from working on projects chosen for us instead of ones we choose.

It's a catch-22, though; it's hard to be productive on projects unless we know someone's waiting for them.

There are a lot of patterns I look and think "Oh cute! But I have enough scarves to last me a lifetime" or "...but I don't wear shawls." The itch to craft it remains, but just what would I do with it? If I advertise "hey, I'll make this for someone" on facebook, I'll end up with 6 comments requesting it. Woah, I said I want to make 1. That's it. 

Enter my latest idea: grab-bag gifts. 

I've already got a pair of socks I made without a owner in mind (again an item I'm good on), and I'm compiling a yarn scraps blanket for no one in particular. My grab-bag gifts is going to be either a.) I pick a gift at random for holidays, birthdays, whatever days, and you get surprised at either a random white elephant gift or one of actual use, or b.) I let them pick from my stash- no more orders.

What I love about this idea is it allows me to craft with a purpose- it's shorter than we realize till the holidays- while still having the fun of picking projects that inspire my creativity.

Plus it gives me a chance to make this cute guy:

(Calvin and Hobbes for those lost; this is Hobbes). Love it!


  1. Replies
    1. Well maybe you'll get lucky and get to pick him from the grab bag some day! :)

  2. Awwww. I thought you were going to say, "NO!" "What was the point of my blog?" hahaha
