Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Life Without Cable TV

I've been paying about $100 a month for cable TV for years with DirecTv. I found nothing wrong with DirecTv, but man I've hated that bill. I downgraded their package and got down to about $75 a month for a while, but found I was missing some of the channels on the higher package so we went back to the more expensive one again. It's nuts, though. I'm paying $100 a month for 15+ channels at most, and for the ability to DVR things. Is that REALLY a worth-while cost?

Hubby and I finally agreed: it's time to cut the cord. Several weeks ago we called DirecTv and cancelled our service. Man, they will try a lot of tactics to keep you. The initial call offered the typical stuff you would get if you called and said "I'm a loyal customer, what can you do for me?" - which I advince everyone to do yearly with all their billers. 

They tried "we can lower your package", "we can cut $20 off your bill for 12 months", and my favorite of dumb promo's they offer all the time: "We can give you the movie channels free for 3 months" - but you have to call & cancel right at 3 months or they ding you hard! Nope, cancel please. I set up a cancel date for 4 days from the date of call to get us prepared for the loss & watch the rest of our important DVR'd stuff.

The next day I got a call: "We noticed you canceled your service- may I ask why?" So I told them they cost way too much. "What if we brought your bill down to $50 a month for the current package you enjoy now for 12 months, plus give you a $200 visa gift card just as our way of saying thanks?" Wow, what it tells me is I should have called you years ago & set up a "cancel date" to get this offer out of you. No thanks- too little too late. Plus what happens at the end of 12 months? I'm back to my $100 misery again. No thanks.

Several days later I received their final offer: they'll bring my bill down to $35 a month for 12 months. Wow, you really should have started with that. I might have considered it in the beginning, but now I've officially gotten rid of your service & am not missing it, and am paying $5 less permanently. Boat sailed, DirecTv, and you weren't on it.

So what are we doing instead? Hulu Plus, Netflix instant video package, and Amazon Prime. 

We are not super impressed with Hulu Plus thus far, though. It allows us to watch some of the prime time TV; your ABC, FOX, etc. shows, but it doesn't partner with CBS- and that's where 90% of my TV watching comes in. It does have Animal Planet though, so I suppose I can forgive them. For CBS, I am watching my shows on my laptop instead. Not ideal, but it works. Netflix has been our biggest value. We use that for the majority of watching, though Amazon Prime has been enjoyable for a few movies.

So instead of watching a rerun of Big Bang Theory that I could probably quote word-for-word, we're watching new programming. 

-Our monthly entertainment cost is down $70 each month
-Our quality of entertainment has improved
-We're not staying up late watching TV (we do not start a new episode/ movie if it's getting close to bed time)
-We're not watching as much TV= less electricity used

We had to buy a Smart TV in order to do this, but the value it has brought to our life as a result has paid for the cost of TV and then some! No Regrets!

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